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Schwarzkopf Bond Enforcing Color Remover

Schwarzkopf Extras

Price: £16.29ex VAT

Reference code: 145113
Availability: In stock

Product size: 10 x 30g

Bond Enforcing Color Remover from Schwarzkopf.

Schwarzkopf Professional Bond Enforcing Color Remover enables a quick and easy reduction of artificial colour build up while maintaining the integrity of the hair.

The creamy mixture has the ideal texture to help you reset your clients' colour history and push your creativity. Ideal for clients who need a fast and gentle colour correction of unwanted tone directions or for those who have a long colour history.

The integrated FibreBond Technology protects and strengthens the hair fibre, making it ready for a new colour service straight away.

Pack contains:
- 5x Color Remover Part A 30g
- 5x Color Remover Part B 30g

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