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YS Park - Accessories - Ion Diffuser Large

Y.S. Park

Price: £26.67ex VAT

Reference code: 145993
Availability: In stock

YS Park - Accessories - Ion Diffuser Large

Silver & Titanium Metal Mesh Diffuser

The Y.S.PARK Diffuser is the hairstylist's favourite, particularly during Fashion Week. The rubber band makes it possible to use any hairdryer. Not only does it diffuse the hair, but also keeps moisture in the hair for less of a frizzy appearance. The metal mesh enables the temperature of the hairdryer outlet to keep almost the same temperature of the heat applied to the hair. Available in two sizes: the bigger one is great for work with a bigger section or whole head, the smaller one is great for concentrating on smaller sections such as fringe, additionally to heat foils for a quicker processing time. 




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