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Australian Gold Hot! with Bronzers Sachet

Australian Gold Sachets

Reference code: 146414
Availability: Limited stock

Product size: 15ml

Australian Gold - Hot! with Bronzers - 15ml sachet.

Dark, hydrated colour is just one session away! Advanced Dark Bronzer Blend (Powerful combination of Natural Bronzers) provides streak-free instant, dark results. SkinDew™ Bronzing Complex (DermaDarkR & DHA & moisturisers) provides hydration and a darker, longer-lasting bronze hue. The high level of concentrated Aloe Vera Gel heals, soothes and moisturises for healthy, smooth skin. Upgraded Biosine ComplexR soothes, softens and moisturises for maximum tanning results. FadeDefy™ Technology (Kakadu Plum combined with Shea Butter) helps to moisturise, protect and repair skin for longer-lasting dark colour.

"Cocoa Dreams" fragrance.

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