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Sienna X - Retail - ULTRA DARK Tinted Self Tan Mousse

Sienna X Tanning

Price: £12.00ex VAT

Reference code: 151219
Availability: Limited stock

Product size: 200ml

Sienna X - Retail - ULTRA DARK Tinted Self Tan Mousse

Skincare meets an Ultra Dark Glow with the Sienna X Ultra Dark Tanning Mousse! Perfect for the face & body, the Ultra Dark Tanning Mousse is infused with Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin E & Pomegranate to keep your clients' skin moisturised, and radiant.

This beautifully light formula applies to the skin with ease for a streak-free application that penetrates the skin's layers for a prolonged colour.

The Ultra Dark Tanning Mousse from Sienna X is perfect for those who love a regular deep & glowing tan, along with those with deeper skin tones. For those with Olive Toned skin, it'll give your clients a beautiful 'lit from within' glow!

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